Recently, my site was hacked due to a file called timthump.php that some WordPress themes carry. If you find yourself in this dilemma, follow my instructions on how to fix your site and gain control again.
1. Make a backup of the site directory (you can drag it to your desktop) using any FTP program.
2. Login to your WordPress site
3. Update your WordPress to the latest version
4. Update all your plugins to the latest version
5. Update your theme (make sure your theme has the file timthumb in the directory)
• If you need to obtain the latest version of timthumb.php, please click on download and replace the file with this one.
6. Go to your WordPress admin dashboard – add a new plugin called: Exploit Scanner and activate.
• Go to Tools and select “Exploit Scanner”
• Run the Scan
• It will take a couple of minutes if not more
• You are going see a list of files letting you know of some issues each of the files may have. Just go through the list for possible contamination, if any.
7. That is all!! Your site will be clean again.
Please write any questions or comments below.